UMREK Code Art. 11: ?A Competent Person is a professional working in the mining industry who is registered in the appropriate membership class of a Recognized Professional Body (see Appendix 4) with the powers to suspend or remove a member and the relevant disciplinary processes.
The Competent Person must have at least 7 years of experience regarding the type of mineralization or mineral deposit considered and the activity undertaken.
Determining the criteria for being a Competent Person and issuing a Competent Person Certificate to the candidates are within UMREK's powers (Article 7, subparagraph 1/d of the Regulation on the National Mineral Resource and Reserve Reporting Commission).
In accordance with Article 11 of the UMREK Code, Competent Person candidates must be members of the Geosciences, Mining and Metallurgy Professionals Association (YERMAM), which is recognized as a professional organization by UMREK.
Candidates who will apply for the Competent Person certificate must be registered in the YERMAM professional member class. Applications of candidates are not directly received by UMREK, and applications of professionals in the professional membership class are submitted to UMREK by YERMAM.
Required conditions and required documents for the professional membership class can be found at the link below: